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Throughout this site, the phrase "traditional structure" has been used frequently with little information as to what that means.  Covens throughout the world come in many shapes and sizes.  Traditionally, Wiccan covens were comprised of 13 witches.  These covens often had a High Priestess (and/or High Priest, for non-matriarchal covens) who would head and organize rituals and other coven events, among other duties.  Many covens work on a degree system, beginning with "initiate" as the first degree and elevating from there.  

Maiden's Circle uses a similar structure of having a High Priestess, but may have more than 13 members in the future.  In addition, our "degree system" begins with the Seeker. Initiates are those who have been accepted as full members of MCC.  Initiates have completed the course, have demonstrated a strong knowledge and skill in a specific aspect of the Craft, and have shown a willingness to be a healthy, productive, and loyal member of MCC.  The positions within MCCA are as follows:

  • High Priestess:  Sets meeting dates and locations, appoints instructors, presides over meetings and rituals, sees that the resolutions passed by MCCA are carried out, and develops the educational program for the Seekers.  The HP has 15 years of Wiccan and Pagan study and is always happy to help those in need!  Don’t hesitate to call!

  • Handmaidens:  Take the place of the HP when she is absent or incapacitated. Handmaidens also take part in the planning for classes, meetings, events, etc.  They are priestesses who have been with MCCA either since its inception or for at least a year and a half (including year and day).  There can be a maximum of four Handmaidens in MCC at any given time. Handmaidens and the High Priestess are collectively known as the Inner Circle, and shall preside over rulings in certain situations (such as amending the Bylaws or adding to the coven BoS). 

  • Priestesses: Have signed the Initiate Agreement after completing the MCA program, have been voted into MCC, and have been formally initiated by ritual into the Coven.  Priestesses are rarely assigned as instructors, though it is possible. It is recommended that new Initiates continue to study with the MCA program. 

  • Seekers: Students of MCCA.  They are expected to attend and participate in the classes, and to do the outside work as assigned.

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